Browser Wars ā€“ Return of the Choice

A long time ago before the dot com crash there was a war. The mighty Netscape lost the war and the evil Microsoft dominated the Internet ever since.

The rebel forces of Netscape went into hiding as Mozilla. Along came the New Hope, Firefox with new powers that the Death Star (a.k.a. Internet Explorer) could only dream of.

Yesterday the latest in the new breed browsers was released from Google which now means that all 3 of the big players in Web 2.0 have released browsers for Windows.

Apple Safari –

Google Chrome –

Microsoft IE8 –

And Firefox is at Version 3 –

Just like last time, these are all free products. The web has evolved into an application platform and it is clear the this is what Google aims to capture with it’s release. I’m not sure why Google decided to go it alone when they did appear to have some kind of relationship with the Firefox group.

Guess time will tell as to who will win this round of the browser wars.

Dr. Horrible is Awesome!

Dr. Doogie Howser is Dr. Horrible and he is as Awesome as Barney Stinson.

Have to thank Larry Osterman for pointing out this gem in his blog…

Joss Whedon, yes the guy who made Buffy, is behind this masterpiece. Note to Joss, please make it so iTunes will let me download it in Australia!

Sorry I blogged so late about it. Get it while it lasts and I hope you all enjoy it!

Mobile Me ā€¦ Exchange for the rest of us?

Apple might be on a winner here….

Not sure if Google is involved since this is the replacement to .Mac and the rumour on the wire was that Google was involved in the replacement… 2 Weeks ago it became clear the .Mac was dead.

If Google isn’t part of this, can they please build the same thing for those of us not wanting to pay the monthly fee or that run something other than Mac or Windows?

I actually thought that Microsoft’s Mesh would offer more of this Exchange like capability but I guess that was too much to hope for…

Next question, how much is the iPhone going to cost here in Australia?

Microsoft Mesh and Google App Engine ā€“ Up in the clouds

Google App Engine was publicly discussed first but the Microsoft Live Mesh project wasn’t far behind.

Somehow since I’m in Australia and that the weekend it all went live I was offline I can’t seem to get an account with either.

The Google version at least lets you download a local test server and sandbox to play in but for now it is only in Python.

The Microsoft version has more freedom in terms of the programming language you choose to use by seems more restrictive as to who they will let play with the Beta.

Although these two technologies are different on the surface (and inside in many places) they WILL end up competing for the same applications, developers, and users.

Why? Well simply because if you breakdown what each of them really offer the application developer then you’ll see that they are both going to do the same thing just in a slightly different way.

At this point in time I’d say that the Microsoft offering looks more featured and has the desktop support needed to ease users into the true Web 2.0 application world but Google isn’t one to give up easily and they will have to Open Source/Linux community on side from day one… Will this become the browser war of next few years?

What if Apple only pick one to support natively on the iPhone? Who is the bigger threat to them, Google and Android or Microsoft and Windows Mobile?

Facebook Garage Melbourne

Last Friday was the first Melbourne Facebook developer Garage. I had Friday off work anyway so I popped in for a couple of hours and next thing I know I was sitting on the discussion panel with Markus Weichselbaum (The Broth), David Eedle (collectZing), Terri Dentry (thinkRED), and Tom Beeby (TravelApps).

For me it was just so great to meet these people, plus all the other people I met at the event.

The event itself can be found at

And Facebook Developers Melbourne can be found at

Bebo Part II

Ok after a lot of messing around and thinking that Bebo was a broken platform I finally go my simple application to work.

I thought that the PHP library I was using was broken so I waited till the new version was released. Alas, it didn’t work either…
I was getting error 101, my application key was invalid.

Time to turn to the forums and I found this post

My site is hosted on Joyent so I added the code suggested

ini_set(‘arg_separator.output’, ‘&’);

and everything started working!